Larry Joe Campbell, a renowned TV actor hailing from Michigan, has amassed an impressive net worth of $6 million as projected for the year 2024. Campbell has made a name for himself through his notable performances in various television shows, captivating audiences with his unmatched talent and charming personality. With his exceptional acting skills, Campbell has established himself as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, garnering both critical acclaim and success. With his net worth steadily growing, Larry Joe Campbell continues to thrive as one of the most respected actors in the television realm.
Notable for portraying Andy on the ABC comedy series According to Jim, Campbell is also known for his recurring role on the Lifetime series The Protector, as well as for his guest spots on Friends, My Name is Earl, The New Adventures of Old Christine, and Dog with a Blog.
After earning an undergraduate theater degree from Central Michigan University, he received his MFA from Wayne State University.
His film credits include roles in the 2002 movie Showtime and the 2005 film Wedding Crashers.
He spent his early years in the towns of Cadillac and Pontiac, Michigan. His marriage to Peggy Johns Campbell resulted in two sons and three daughters, including a set of fraternal twins.
While performing with the Detroit branch of the famous Second City comedy troupe, Campbell was discovered and mentored by Comedian Bob Saget.